Single-Valued Neutrosophic Roughness via Ideals

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Fahad Alsharari


In this paper, we connect the idea of single-valued neutrosophic ideal to the concept of single-valued neutrosophic approximation space to define the concept of single-valued neutrosophic ideal approximation spaces. We present the single-valued neutrosophic ideal approximation interior operator intψΦ and the single-valued neutrosophic ideal approximation closure operator clψΦ, and we present the single-valued neutrosophic ideal approximation preinterior operator pintψΦ and the single-valued neutrosophic ideal approximation pre-closure operator pclψΦ about this concerning single-valued neutrosophic ideal defined on the single-valued neutrosophic approximation space (χ˜,ϕ) related with some single-valued neutrosophic set ψ∈ξχ˜. Also, we present single-valued neutrosophic separation axioms, single-valued neutrosophic connectedness, and single-valued neutrosophic compactness in single-valued neutrosophic approximation spaces and single-valued neutrosophic ideal approximation spaces as well, and prove the associations in between.

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